Sunday, April 6, 2008

Conference a New Car and Mom

Well, conference was pretty awesome today and yesterday. Not to mention President Monson's ear wiggle at last night's priesthood session. Tell me that won't go down in the annals of history. It's amazing how easy the transition is to President Monson being the Prophet and President of the Church. I have to admit, not to take anything away from President Monson, I thought President Hinckley would be a tough act to follow. Well apparently whom the Lord calls he qualifies b/c the transition was seamless and President Monson seemed to be at a whole new level. I'm mean, you know that its going to be that way but it is still amazing when it is. The Church must be true or something.

We were sure to pay close attention to Elder William Walkers remarks in the Sat afternoon session b/c that is Trisha's sister Natalie's fiancee's Dad.

On another note our 1994 Nissan Altima totally died on us so we have to buy a new car. Well lucky for us the DC North Mission was selling a bunch of 2004 used cars and we got a screaming deal on a Chevy Malibu that we are going to pick up tomorrow. I'll post pics b/c its a total chick magnet, or dude magnet if Trisha's driving. Oh yeah it's champagne (which means tan in car lingo).

Lastly, Mom got here yesterday and it's sweet! To bad for all of you that have to fend for yourselves for 10 days. good luck.
