Thursday, July 10, 2008

very loud music

k so if any of you have seen italion job, the guy in it thats says he created napster wants to buy a stereo loud enough to blow girls clothes off.. i have this wonderful device in my jeep. we took an adapter that plugs into the cig lighter that is a box with a regular outlet plug thing in it then i plugged my bass amp into that and but the amp in my back seat then we have a cord that goes from the ipod to the amp.. and all i can say is i have never heard louder music before in my life. if you turn it up all the way it has 100 W of Angels & Airwaves that blow girls clothes off. ive been driving around with the amp in the back of the jeep and you can serioussly hear me coming from three blocks away it is so so tight. the coolest part is im getting good at timing the amp with the stereo that is already in the car so i just start both the songs at the same time for extra clothing removal power. its pretty white trash and jimmy rigged but its tight


Brockalee said...

You weren't kidding about the home made system. You only have 12 1/2 more days to enjoy

Talia Vaughn said...

That is tight!